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Logo & Files

The Edit League > Logo & Files page allows you to add or edit the logo, enable or disable the waiver related to your team leagues, etc.

The team league’s logo is the main logo that the team league is known by – its just as important as the team league’s name.

To add a new team league’s logo, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Click on the Click to Upload option, under the Logo section.
  2. Select the Image to be uploaded from your device.
  3. Edit/Crop the image to desired effect, click on Done.
  4. Click the Save button to save your new team league’s logo (or you can simply drag and drop an image to this section). On successful save, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s logo will then be updated to the new logo.

You can only upload SVG, PNG, or JPG, image files of 800 x 400 pixels(px) size to Team League’s Logo.

The team league’s abbreviated logo is the secondary logo that is short, concise and easy-to-perceive. It can often be used as a secondary logo for the team league where the main logo doesn’t suffice.

To add a new team league’s abbreviated logo, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Click on the Click to Upload option, under the Abbreviated Logo section.
  2. Select the Image to be uploaded from your device.
  3. Edit/Crop the image to desired effect, click on Done.
  4. Click the Save button to save your new team league’s logo (or you can simply drag and drop an image to this section). On successful save, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s abbreviated logo will then be updated to the updated logo.

You can only upload SVG, PNG, or JPG, image files of 55 x 55 pixels(px) size to Team League’s Abbreviated Logo.

Add a New Waiver

You have the option to introduce waivers in your Team Leagues. There are multiple waiver options you can choose from to introduce to your league.

To add a new waiver, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Click on the Add New Waiver option, under the Waiver section.


  2. Enter waiver’s title in the Waiver Title section.

  3. Select the type of waiver from the Waiver Type dropdown – Children, Booking, Program, Facility, Membership etc.

    Waiver Types

  4. Click on Click to Upload option, it’ll open a pop-up window where you can select the specific waiver file you want to upload from your device. Select the file, and click on Open (or double click on the file to upload it). Once the file is uploaded, you can view it in the Waiver section.

  5. Click the Save button to save your waiver. On successful waiver upload, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s waiver is now uploaded.


You can only add one waiver of a kind from the dropdown selection, but you can upload multiple waivers to the selected waiver given they are of the same category.

View a Waiver

You can download and view previously uploaded/added team league waivers.

To view a waiver, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Navigate through the waiver title to the waiver you want to view.

  2. In case of multiple waivers, you have the option to go through their versions in the Versions column. To pinpoint the exact waiver you’re looking for, you can go through the waiver’s upload time and date. You can also see waiver’s acceptance number in the Total Accepted column.

  3. Click on View Waiver against the waiver you want to view. It’ll download the waiver as a .pdf format to your PC or Mac.

    View Waiver

  4. Once downloaded, you can open it in any PDF viewer.

Disable a Waiver

You can disable a waiver if it is invalid or for any other reason. Disable waivers are removed from the Team Leagues, but they can be enabled once again.

To disable a waiver, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Navigate through the waiver title to the waiver you want to disable.

  2. Click on Disable, at the end of the selected waiver.

    Disable Waiver

  3. On successful waiver disable, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s waiver is now updated as requested.


You can disable waiver of a kind entirely. Disabling it will disable all the waivers uploaded/added to it.

You can’t remove/delete an uploaded waiver category from the list. However, if you want to remove it from your team league, you can simply disable it.

Enable a Disabled Waiver

Disabled waivers can be enabled simply by clicking a button. When a waiver is enabled once again, it’ll be part of the team leagues it was enabled in.

To enable a disabled waiver, navigate to Team League > Edit League > Logo & Files:

  1. Navigate through the waiver title to the waiver you want to enable.
  2. Click on Enable, at the end of the selected waiver.
  3. On successful waiver enable, you’ll receive a success notification on top of the screen, the team league’s waiver is now updated as requested.